Our Values


Communicating with God

We are convinced that God who created the world, who created you and me, also wants us to know him and be known by him. Just as we get to know our friends by spending time listening and sharing our stories, we are able to know God too.

We do this through spending time reading the Bible - God’s word to us, personal and corporate prayer, and hearing through others, amongst many other ways. If you would like to know more, we are happy to explore this with you.


Needing Community

We see in the life of Jesus, God who invites and welcomes everyone. The bible teaches us that God is patient, kind, generous, gracious and forgiving. At SandyLife we are practising being people who emulate these characteristics. So all are welcome. We invite you to join us. We want to get to know you and for you to know us. We invite you to come, taste and see, why Jesus matters to us.



We care for those within our group, our neighbourhood and the wider world. As such, we take time to listen to people’s stories, seek to understand, feel compassionate, provide hope and encouragement, and serve others through practical help.


Transforming Lives

We are convinced that Jesus loves us. He welcomes and invites each and every person to come to know him. We also believe that he can bring healing and hope to every situation in life by the power of the Holy Spirit. The good news message is not just for those who seem to have their life in order - in fact, Jesus has a real love for those who find they are at the edges of themselves. Jesus doesn’t just leave us as he finds us. He invites us into a new future - one that is full of life, love and purpose.


Actively Participating

We are building a discipling culture that believes we all have a part to play in bringing in God’s kingdom in this world. We value wise and effective leaders who take the initiative to inspire and encourage others to pursue God’s mission where they are. We want people to be guided by the Holy Spirit, so we are the questions: What is God saying? And what am I going to do about it?